Towards Sustainable Energy Economy of Cities

Chair: The session will be led by the Sustainable Energetics Section of the The Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Dariusz Pieńkowski (
Co-chair: Arnold Bernaciak, (

Short  Description:
Energy management is one of the most important challenges facing cities. Ensuring the high quality of life requires continuous supply of energy in various forms. However, its consumption leads to a depletion of natural resources and to the deterioration of the condition of many components of the environment, including primarily air. The use of energy is the basic cause of the global climate crisis.
Trying to face contemporary challenges, city authorities are making efforts to ensure energy self-sufficiency and reduce the environmental and social impact of its consumption. It becomes necessary to ensure the possibility of its sustainable use. The shift towards sustainable energy economy is required.
The main aim of the session is the exchange of thoughts, ideas and best practices associated with current conditions and trends in urban energy systems. The meeting will seek to better understand the contemporary conditions of cities energy economy systems and its differentiations between cities, taking special care of its sustainability.
The objective of the session is to present and to promote best practices and solutions in the field of sustainability of urban energy economy. Contributions are welcome on any aspect of energy economy of cities in particular with sustainability approach. The session will cover economical (e.g. finance, transport), socio-political (e.g. equity, participatory, policy) and environmental (e.g. air pollution, ecosystem services) aspects of energy economy.
Session will be led by the Sustainable Energetics Section of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.